Meet Alisha LaTour

Hi! I’m Alisha LaTour, a dōTERRA Blue Diamond Leader and Essential Oil Certification Specialist. I manage two training facilities and help people across the nation learn the secrets to feeling better, living better and looking better with dōTERRA. 

Essential oils are life changing! I’ve seen it time and time again. I need to feel confident about the products I use and share, and there’s no doubt in my mind that dōTERRA essential oils provide a positive impact. As a busy Momma, I’ve got seven growing little ones as living proof!

I’m passionate about building my community with enthusiastic care. dōTERRA is a company that provides natural healthcare products, but it’s so much more than that!

It’s an opportunity to live healthier, wealthier – more connected lives – in a community of like-minded, supportive individuals. Like family, we encourage and drive each other towards our best lives.

We’re changing the world, one drop at a time.

In just four years, I’ve changed my life, my family’s future – and I’ve impacted thousands of others around the world!

One simple moment, a small introduction to just one oil, changed everything for me.

Now, it’s my mission to bring this positive change to other moms – to empower them, to help them take control of their family’s health and discover step-by-step how to earn more than they ever thought possible.

True wealth changes everything! Are you ready to walk down that road with me and never look back?

Learn how I went from a Stay-at-home mom to a 6-figure-income

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